Little Beach gay nudist beach Maui island Hawaii

Little Beach gay nudist beach Maui island Hawaii

Description :

Little beach is a very popular gay naturist beach (actually it’s a combination of textiles and naturists), located in the beautiful Makena State Park of Maui Island in Hawaii. The local name of the place is Puʻu Olai, and it’s all you can dream about a beach in Hawaii! Many gay tourists gather here to enjoy the beautiful sceneries and socialize with fellow gay guys ! Don’t forget to bring along enough water and snacks as there is no supermarket or restaurant on the beach (which is part of its charm). To get there by car, use the direction of the Maui Prince Hotel. When you get there, continue driving until Makena State Park and take to your right in order to park the car. From there you can walk first to big beach, and then once on the beach, go to the big rocks at the end of the beach (to the right) and then you’ll find the beautiful and so gay small beach. Have fun !!

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Makena Alanui, Wailea, United States of America

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Gay Beach Gay Beach

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