Nueva Cero gay club Santiago

Nueva Cero gay club Santiago

4,5 (4 notations)

Description :

Nueva Cero (New Zero) club, is a gay club located a bit outside the usual gay neighborhood in Santiago which is around Bellavista. The club is big, you have space to dance and it’s very nice. It’s never too crowded, but you do have the right number of people to have a fun party atmosphere. Bar tenders are excellent, very efficient … and super hot !!! People also come here for the famous drag shows and other performances. People coming here are also very nice and tolerant, giving a very good vibe to the place, which is quite mixed with boys and girls, gays and straight, even if it’s still a gay club. To put it in other words: great music, hot and fun local gay guys and their friends, great place …. All the right ingredients for a great night out ! A must go for gay people in Santiago!!

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Avenida Alcalde Carlos Valdovinos, San Miguel, Chile

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Gay Club Gay Club

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